Today is a great day to start as a blank notebook. You get to write anything you want in it. This is your perfect opportunity to sit down and prepare a list of important lifestyle changes you want to make, and being the charitable and caring bunch. What are your plans for the new year? Let me know in the comments below. I will be sharing mine in my next blog post and showing you how I make them realistic and doable
Observation Effects of Conversational Involvement Cues on Understanding and Emotions in Instant Messaging Conversations is a peer reviewed article that "explores how multitasking affects people’s levels of involvement or engagement in their conversations, and how levels of involvement in turn influence people’s language, understanding, and affective responses to the conversation. " (Fussell, 2015) It is common to use Instant M essaging su ch as Facebook, Instagram, email etc.; to communicate with one another while multitasking in the workplace. T hese conversations are often carried out with amid other tasks. This study was done to prove the effects of multitasking on the quality of the computer-mediated communication ( CMC) conversation itself. ” (Fussell, 2015) When the employ...