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Image may contain: Linda Hawkns McClurkin and Sharon Hawkins Merceda

My goal is to pay it forward to my aunt who raised me and all my mentors and teachers who were willing to give a helping hand to a little girl that was just trying to make it out of the drug-infested neighborhood by remaining positive and determined to be sometime more. My goal is to pay it forward to all the teacher, mentors and family members by being a second chance to individuals living in the same condition. I want to give them hope that they can succeed by teaching them variety of skills and giving them a strategic plan to guide them. I am so passionate in helping others be their best selves.
 I am going to do this by starting my own organization entitled H.P.E (Helping People Emerge) in which I will be able to be a living testimony of how someone from little can become successful. H.P.E will focus on how to develop the whole student by developing some of the essential skills needed to become successful such as public speaking, leadership and etiquette in food and attire. These small steps in improvement will help give students from all backgrounds the confidence to walk into the real world with their heads held high and ears open to the opportunities. I will love to enlighten individuals about the art of public speaking and how important it is in our everyday life. H.P.E (Helping People Emerge) strives to encourage others to be productively dangerous in whatever they want to achieve.
 My passion is to have individuals have fun, be informed, and transformed. These small changes can improve different aspects in their life.  This organization will use methods and strategies that I have learned in my graduate studies at Nova Southeastern University to make my organization profitable and transformational.

H.P.E (Helping People Emerge) strives to encourage others to be productively dangerous in whatever they want to achieve.


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