Sometimes it's better to learn from the mistakes of others instead of making your own - I wish I knew these things before I went to COLLEGE. Dear College Freshman, RELAX! There is no law that says life must be completely figured out by 18. High school is over, and college is a whole new ball game. It is scary at first, but it will be your second home in no time. College is the place that you will find some lifelong friendships and find out who you truly are. It’s the first time you'll feel truly independent by staying on campus. Coming to the realization that High school is over is so scary but just know that you can get through it. At first, it is going to feel overwhelming because everything is new, the people, the class schedules, the fashion and the college lingo. Yep! I've been there and it is so weird at first. You are not going to be a freshman forever. After the first month or so you will know the college campus like the back of your hand. Lo...
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