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Your Story Matters

        Last year in a Workshop Development class the teacher gave us the assignment to do a presentation on our life story/ autobiography. This was the hardest thing I ever had to do.  My mind began to race of what others will think of me when they truly knew where I came from. My insecurities that I did not even know I had started surfacing quickly. 

The THREE Things That Went Through My Head 

 1. These people do not care about my life struggles. 

2. They probably cannot relate, I'm from the hood and not the one they see on television  

 3. Should I just sugar coat the real story and make things  appear better

    Many of my past experiences, I purposely buried them deep down inside so I wouldn't have to relive them.  Being vulnerable is not something that I am used to doing in front of a bunch of strangers/classmates. I am a more secretive type of person. I have been through a lot in my 28 years of life.  Let get this clear, I am not ashamed AT ALL where I came from or how I was brought up at ALL. I truly appreciate those things in my life because it has made me who I am today. In this moment I felt the ounce of judgment and sympathy that I did not want. I just didn't want other to feel sorry for me. 

  So after a lot of emotional roller coasters, I decided to give the real story of Sharon Hawkins with no blurred lines. So I prepared my presentation and it was not bad at all, it was a bit therapeutic for me actually. Then on the day of the presentation, I listened to my classmate's stories and mine was totally different from all of their stories. So then it was my turn to speak and I was getting into my story I told EVERYTHING, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly parts. At the end of the story the class was extremely quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Many of my classmates had tears in their eyes and shocked faces. They were so in tuned to my story that I did not realize how it resonated with them until after I finished speaking.

          After I have given my presentation the class was able to ask some questions. The first statement was that" I would have never know that you had to go through so much I'm so sorry" I responded, in life, you do not choose your path of success you make your own. I want to be able to break the generational curse of drug abuse in my family and be an example others can look up to. The next question was “why didn't you chose to do drugs like your mom?' I responded, God had different plans for me in my life, He allowed me to flee from a drug infested home and I was blessed to have an amazing woman who took me in as her own and raise me. I am stronger because of her love and compassion upon my life. She is my guardian angel.

         This impacted my life and showed me that there is strength in your struggle. Not everyone has the power to get through tragic situations. Your story can help others get through a tough time in their lives.

  Tell your Story it just might Impact Lives.


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