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Haters Are ALWAYS Looking Over Your Shoulders

         About three years ago, my college roommate and I went to the Hershey Factory in New York City and we were having a blast. I decided to take a pictures of me with my favorite food of all time CHOCOLATE of course. We were just having a blast enjoying the city and I even posted pictures on Facebook like any normal college student.  We had no worries until someone in the Facebook comment section was making fun of the guy in the background. We thought to ourselves,What guy in the background? This was embarrassing but funny at the same time.  How did we not see him in the background?


Began to set your eyes on the prize like the girl in the picture and ignore the obvious haters in the background because they are nothing but secret admirers anyway.
I believe having a bit of haterade in your corner means that you are doing something right. 
This image brought a lot of joy to me because it illustrates someone completing a task at hand but disregarding the nonsense that goes on in the background. It is so easy to get distracted from all of the noise of the others doing the same old things. These are the same individuals who always want to give their two cents of complaints and doubts but are not willing to give a helping hand in the progression. They always knows what's "BEST" for you even though they do not know one educated things about the given topic. 

This is a load of cow poop.

When you are trying to become successful, there will always be someone looking over your shoulder whether they are hating on you or being a silent cheerleader? Always try to put your best foot forward no matter where you are doing this includes clubs, bars, grocery stores, laundromats and even the library etc. 

You will never know who you will meet or where it will be. One of my best decision in my life was to begin a conversation with this man and his wife in a laundromat, this conversation changed the course of my life forever. They taught me the true value of a healthy family and Marriage. All because I was in the right place at the right time. It is important to always be on your P's and Q's because
What You Do Speaks So Loud.
Without even saying a word, you may be inspiring others that are looking at you. What are you inspiring them to be? Just know that everything that you do truly matters. Just think of all the individuals looking over your shoulders.



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