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A Positive Mindset Can Help You Become Successful

      A Positive Mindset can help you Become Successful: 

When something bad happens to you, you can either
 let it destroy you,
let it define you, or make you stronger. 

It's up to you to make that decision. 

This is a very hard concept for many people to get because at times they let their circumstances determine their end results. Try to always look at the good in a situation it will be very difficult but it is definitely possible. Don't be a negative Nancy because ain't nobody got time for that. 

If you continue to always see things in a negative manner many people will not want to hang be around you. I am not saying that it's not okay to be there for someone but if they are always being negative outside of normal emotional crisis. Peace I will be gone because I can't be around people who are constantly draining me of energy for unnecessary stress that I can be using for something more positive. 

           Change your mindset, try to put things in a positive light even it is not natural to you. You just fake it till you make it. This will give you more peace of mind and clarity of more things. I can Promise you being more positive will allow you to just ignore the negative things in life, that don't matter in the first place. 

The more positive you become the better you will feel because STRESS CAN KILL YOU.Stress is inevitable and we will all have to deal with it but it is how we handle it that truly matter.  True story. My grandma is the sweetest woman in the whole world but she suffers from high blood pressure due to the amount of stress that she is under having to deal with her own emotional baggage and those of others. She burdens the stress and anxiety of anyone that is close to her. By soaking up all of this negativity from others throughout the years has definitely done a number on her well being. She constantly looks tired and worn out due to all of the worry and stress. It is hard to see her like but her heart want to worry and it a bit to late because she is stuck in that mindset. In her old age, she is stuck in her ways and all I can do is try to be less of a burden to her.

     At times I am a bit like my grandma and I take the burdens of my loves ones and friends. I am constantly battling my thoughts of trying to be more positive because there's so much negativity in this world that at times to be honest it is hard to be positive.  I can be positive to everyone else and encourage them in whatever they are doing, and give the best advice but when it come to me being positive to myself. I am my worst critic. 

My goal is to be more positive to myself and give myself a break. I am writing this post because I need this reminder as well. This blog is for us to grow together. Now that we are aware of our mindset we have the option to change it to something a bit more pleasant.  

Check out this Encouraging message


 I challenge you to try to change your attitude to be a bit more positive for a week and see how it works out for you. Let me know how it goes. 

Comment Below 


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