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           My husband has begun working out and eating right for a year and a half ago mainly because he wanted to get in shape and be more healthy.  He has been consistent with his diet and exercising even after he finished with his trainer. Me on the other hand, after I was done with my trainer I did not continue with my workout plan and have been eating OKAY mainly because I cook for my husband. I constantly keep thinking how he stays on track but keep flip flopping with my workouts At times, I  will ask him during the week "Do you want to go get a snack or fast food?" Just out of habit and hunger lol. He responds " No thanks" He answers without hesitation or temptation. It must be hard for him to turn down these things every time---- right?

Nope......Wrong. After he had in his mind that he was going to get it done that’s all he truly needed.He was fully committed to his new lifestyle and way of living. It was the norm for him not to eat out of his healthy diet, so my small question did not distract himNot only does he have this discipline in his workout routine but in his work life as well. This is inspiring me to want to do better because this is not where I stand at the moment. I'm getting there, don’t you guys worry.  

EXCUSES... Excuses....EXCUSES 

       I am the queen of excuses at times especially when I am tired and hungry. I have been constantly trying to get my blog and business off the ground for about two years now but I know deep down that I was not putting enough effort to get things done. was taking infant steps toward the finished product. In reality, if I keep moving at this rate it will take me years to start making visible progress. I need to step my game up if I want to get things done. I wonder if excuses are a way of us prolonging the hard work for "later" ( if later ever comes), not feeling so bad for not completing tasks or just letting others know that we are trying. My husband hates when I make excuses. He always tells me that " I do not believe in excuses if you really want to do something you will make time for it." So how do I get there? What makes me different?


  Last week I have read an article by Susie Moore that has inspired me to write this blog post and allowed me to eliminate many of my excuses. This was such an eye-opening moment or an  Ah-ha moment that got me out of this moment of staleness. Susie Moore states that  "Ninety-nine percent is hard—100 percent is easy." This was so confusing to me at first but when I continued to read on it really stuck with me. Take a moment to ponder on this concept. Then the article went on to explain that “99-percent effort” is exhausting and it consumes energy without producing results.  We are constantly falling short of our potential because when you only put in 99% effort into things that matter in life it is harder to keep almost getting there and never fully making it with the 99% effort. Only giving it 99% is time-consuming, causes emotional pain and it is just annoying not to be able to cross out important items off of the to-do list.    When we give 100% it will be difficult but it WILL BE worth it. After awhile the hard things will become easier. Think back to college when you procrastinated on a paper and finished it at night; this happened because you put your focus on that one task.  Now I am not promoting procrastination but the principle of fully committing to something to get it done. The difference in your productively will be tremendous and you will see direct results instantly. When you want something to be done you GET IT DONE and be fully committed to it. 

BAM...BOOM.( This last sentence just got me hyped lol carry on) 


          The question I want to ask you guys is: What is holding you back from giving yourself a hundred percent to your dreams? Let's figure this out together and try to fully commit ourselves to something. Whether it is art, music, business, blogging, makeup or whatever you are passionate about. These things will take a time to achieve but the first real step is to fully commit and give it 100%, not 99%. 



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